Upcoming Workshops/Talks/Conferences

July 28, 2024
Webinar: From College to Corporate – Mastering Communication & Job Readiness

August, 2024
Visual Thinking for Testers


Need an in-house workshop? Email us

Past Workshops/Talks

July 12-13, 2024
TribeQonf: Navigating Your Career Journey: Strategies for Growth and Success
Link: https://www.thetesttribe.com/tribeqonf/ajay-balamurugadas/

Missed my talk in TribeQonf 2024? Don’t worry, here is the closest summary of my content delivery – https://bit.ly/tqonf24summaryofmytalk

And feedback from the audience – https://bit.ly/tqonf24feedback

If you have attended TribeQonf’24 and wish to connect with me? Tag yourself in https://bit.ly/tribeqonf24tagyourself

June 12, 2024
EuroSTAR 2024 conference: What are we Doing Here: Reviving Testers Amid AI Challenges | EuroSTAR Conference

June 02, 2024

Workshop – Mastering Self (Becoming a World Class Professional)

Feb 21, 2024 Webinar at Practitest

Link: https://www.practitest.com/resource-center/webinar/5-practical-ways-to-stand-out-as-a-leader

Feb 23-25, 2024 – Speaker at Worqference 2024

Link: https://bit.ly/ajwq2024

January 20-21, 2024 – Stand out as a Leader (Batch 2)

December 16-17, 2023 – Stand out as a Leader (Batch 1)

December 8-9, 2023
Global Testing Retreat 2023, Pune
#ATAGTR2023 – Where are the real testers in the age of AI


October 15-19, 2023
Seastar Quality Conference 2023
Link:  https://quality.seastarconf.com/

September 23-24, 2023
Tester’s Independence Day
Link: https://www.thetesttribe.com/testflix/

September 22, 2023
Test Masters Academy Webinar – Facilitation
Link: https://shorturl.at/ctBH9

From Bugs to Butterflies: Transforming Testing into Green Practices

September 02, 2023
10x Your Software Testing Superpowers
Link: https://bit.ly/ajsepwebinar

August 23, 2023
TestMu Conference
Link:  https://www.lambdatest.com/testmuconf-2023

                                                         Sharpening Your Toolbox: Staying Ahead In The Tech World

August 16, 2023
TMA Webinar – Facilitation
Link:  https://bit.ly/TMAAug

July 14 & 15, 2023
Get greedy with Test Coverage – TribeQonf | Bangalore
Link:  https://www.thetesttribe.com/tribeqonf

June 24, 2022
The Test Tribe Meetup, Bangalore

June 23-24, 2022
TestBash World
Link: https://www.ministryoftesting.com/events/testbash-world-2022

May 26, 2022
TestBash Careers
Link: https://www.ministryoftesting.com/dojo/series/testbash-careers-2022

March 10, 2022
TestBash Leadership 2022
Link: https://club.ministryoftesting.com/t/testbash-leadership-2022-can-you-do-better-than-richard-with-rahul-parwal-ajay-balamurugadas-and-friends/57114?s_id=13097552

March 4-6, 2022
Worqference – Testing conference
Link: https://thetesttribe.com/worqference/

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Oct 23-24, 2021
TestFlix – The Test Tribe (Conference)
Link: bit.ly/testflix2021

July 3-4, 2021
The Testing Lab Advanced | Online
Link: https://www.thetesttribe.com/testing-lab-advanced-software-testing-workshop/

June 5-6, 2021
FailQonf | Online (Organized by The Test Tribe)
Link: https://www.thetesttribe.com/failqonf/

May 22, 2021
Effective Problem Solving | Online
Link: bit.ly/psmay2021

April 10, 2021
ATATalk Episode 3 (Organized by Agile Testing Alliance)
Link: https://ataevents.org/atatalk-episode3/
April 10 ATA Talk Episode 3
April 3, 2021
The Big Testing Debate | Online (Organized by The Test Chat)
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=opl9qP5_1BE

Feb 27, 2021
The Testing Lab | Online
Link: http://bit.ly/ttlonline

Feb 22, 2021 
Master the Tools (contestnyc Tutorial) | Online

Oct 24, 2020 
The Testing Lab | Online
Link: http://bit.ly/ttlonline

Nov 28, 2020
TestFlix conference
Link: https://bit.ly/testflix

Apr 19, 2020
Master the tools | Online
Link: http://bit.ly/ttttools1

Feb 23, 2020 
The Testing Lab | Mumbai
Link: http://bit.ly/testinglabmum

Feb 22, 2020 
Effective Problem Solving Workshop | Pune
Link: http://bit.ly/pspunefeb20

Jan 25-26, 2020 
Kickstart your Python Journey | Online
Link: http://bit.ly/pythonjan2020

Jan 18, 2020 
The Testing Lab | Bangalore
Link: http://bit.ly/testinglab-blr

Dec 2019
Effective Problem Solving Workshop | Pune

Oct 2-6, 2019 
The Test Tribe TestAway | Shimla
Link: http://bit.ly/testaway2

Sep 28, 2019 
Systematic Product Modelling Workshop | Bangalore
Link: bit.ly/sep28workshop

Aug 28, 2019 
Test Automation Day | Bangalore
Link: http://bit.ly/121gwsblr

Aug 15, 2019 
Problem Solving Workshop | Bangalore
Link: http://bit.ly/Aug15workshop

July 20, 2019 (Bangalore)
Problem Solving Workshop for Leaders and Managers (Bangalore)

June 26, 2019 (USA)
Test Leadership Congress
Blog: http://bit.ly/ajtlcwow

May 25, 2019 (Bangalore)
How we messed up the craft | Agile Testing Alliance 22nd Meetup
Blog: http://bit.ly/ajata22

April 29, 2018 (Bangalore)
50+ Tools: Know, Learn and Apply in your testing’ | STeP-IN Forum
More Details

April 15, 2018 (Bangalore)
Web Performance Engineering | Test With Ajay
More Details

Mar 18-20 (Pune)
Exploratory Testing in DevOps and Agile Projects | Global Testing Retreat
More Details| Click on Workshop 2

Mar 01 (Bangalore)
Exploratory Testing in Agile Projects (Bangalore) | STeP-IN Forum
More Details
Tweets by Ajay

Meet the Team

Ajay Balamurugadas
CHO (Chief Happiness Officer)
Spread happiness and inspiration to those who would benefit from it

Abinaya Ajay
A2CHO (Assistant to CHO)
Ensure that the CHO achieves his goals